Pokemon Go continues to conquer a media space, which makes it a seductive theme for the debate. The other day, within the framework of the Healthy Conversation section, a conversation was held on the Komsomolskaya Pravda radio, one of the participants of which became Zakhar Bocharov , The chief editor of "Gambling".
To assess the influence of the game on the psyche of mankind, she also visited the studio Lyudmila Mstislavovna Polyanova , Practicing psychologist, psychoanalyst, director of the Personality Psychological Center.
Leading Ekaterina Shevtsova I followed the direction of the conversation and asked impartial questions, periodically allowing listeners to participate in discussion.
We highlighted the main positions of the discussion. As it turned out, Pokemon Go phenomenon is much more serious than you think. Or funnier – here you decide.
Pokemon lead to degradation
The presenter clearly defined the topic of conversations: are those who play Pokemon Go normal, or do they have mental deviations. Shevtsova noticed that Pokemon "go crazy" progressive humanity ". Are millions of players normal? Is the game capable of causing mental disorders? The discussion began with this.
Zakhar : Pokemon Go – Augmented Reality game for mobile devices. It uses a real map on which your virtual hero catches Pokemon. If you turn on the camera, Pokemon appear in different places. They can be caught by throwing pokebol. Thus, you collect Pokemon, and with their help you can fight with other masters, capture objects on a real map, join different commands.
Shevtsova : You know, Lyudmila Mstislavovna, I try to imagine an adult normal working person who, having abandoned all the things, throwing a family, children and everyday duties, runs around the city and pumps Pokemon. These are normal people, this is excitement? Or head problems? Sorry for such terms. I just saw many such definitions on the network.
This is engaged in all degrading humanity
Polyanova : You know, I looked at Zakhara with a smile, because he is a very smart, charming young man and causes sympathy, but that would be funny – what he told about the game – if it weren’t so sad. You said that all progressive humanity is doing this now ..
Shevtsova : … in quotation marks ..
Polyanova : I would have corrected a little and say that all the degrading humanity is doing this.
Zakhar : A rather strong statement. The base of the players is great, people of different ages and gender are fond of games. I was recently in Berlin for working matters. Almost any person who meets and enthusiastically does something on a mobile phone plays Pokemon Go.
Those who work seriously make a career and want to build their future, do not go through the streets
Polyanova : Well, we know how they work in Germany. Those who work seriously make a career and want to build their future, do not go through the streets when you see them. These, apparently, are migrants or those who came to look for happiness there without finding him in his homeland. And there they will not find him either, because this game will not make them successful. Therefore, I say once again: degradation, which, apparently, is thought out in the invention of this game, is coming. And you and me depend on how much we protect ourselves, our children, our future from such degradation.
Zakhar : And you yourself did not try to play Pokemon Go?
Polyanova : God forbid! You know, I have an interesting life, interesting work, a good education, so it never occurred to me to take it in my hands and try it. You can try other things: I have not tried drugs, I have not tried extreme sports that clearly entail the danger, because I have children, I am responsible in front of them. I will not try Pokemon Go.
Degradation, which, apparently, is thought out in the invention of this game, is coming
Zakhar : I will not argue that it is not necessary to try in order to make an opinion about something. But it seems to me to say on the move about degradation – a rather strong statement. The game is based on collecting. Someone collects coins, someone-brands, and someone-Pokemon. And the second: to catch Pokemon, you need to physically go outside. Otherwise, in no way. Closed people spending free time at home – and this is often found among teenagers – the game will make you leave the apartment and go in search.
Shevtsova : The only question is where they go in search. Here, outside the air, Lyudmila told us not very good stories when teenagers crossed the border.
Polyanova : Yes, today it became known about how two teenagers crossed the border of Canada and the USA, not noticing this. And only due to the fact that now they really talk about this game, these adolescents, having learned the reason, returned to parents. But in general, everything could end much more serious. And for less confusion punished much more serious.
Shevtsova : And there were, by the way, cases when people fell into not very pleasant circumstances. Someone even fell off the mountain.
Pokemon affects the brain
During the conversation, not only Pokemon Go belonging to the mechanisms of organized degradation, but also the factors of exposure was revealed. One of them is a violation of the brain.
The word was taken by the listener Alexander.
Alexander : This phenomenon is a sign of social disease. Our infantility level is growing. Infantile people who are fond of some kind of turquoys are becoming more and more. Previously, they would have looked at such a person as a fool, and now among young people it is considered fashionable, popular and cool.
Zakhar : I have a fundamental position on this issue. I in no case justify people who are really too passionate about video games. Or cases when someone is killed by playing a certain cruel game before that before that. This is all, perhaps, there is a place to be. But this is not true with games. If a person takes something close to heart, if he is emotional and hot-tempered, then an acute reaction on his part can provoke any event in his life. Not entirely correct to blame for this game. Especially such as Pokemon Go, which are generally harmless, they have no blood, violence and the like.
Infantile people who are fond of some kind of turquoys are becoming more and more
Shevtsova : There is no blood, but people who run around the city and almost rushing under the wheels cause me, in fact, great surprise.
Polyanova : Let's think about what is happening at this time with the brain. Remember the legend that Caesar could do five things at the same time? Psychophysiologists have proven that it is impossible. So our brain works. At one unit of time, we are able to concentrate only in one business. If a person is involved in the game, his brain works very limited. Only its certain sections process the desired information, all the other remains overboard. Associative ties are not established. The coordinated work of the hemispheres is not established, especially if we are talking about young children. This does not happen in the child if his attention is focused on one thing. And if we overload the brain that is not ready for processing information, then even a frequent flicker on the screen for a child becomes pernicious. Neurons die – and they will never recover again.
If a person is involved in the game, his brain works very limited
Zakhar : I would like to ask you as a specialist a question. Without subtext. When, let's say, you read the book enthusiastically, the same thing happens with the brain as when you play the game enthusiastically?
Polyanova : Of course not, because the child begins to read books at a certain age. Nature prompted us everything, and it is very interesting. Intelligence can begin to operate when milk teeth change.
Pokemon is infected with schizophrenia
Special attention was awarded the issue of game dependence.
Polyanova : Dependence arises in a person who in childhood did not receive attention and love, who has underestimated self -esteem – even if he claims that he is a very good opinion about himself. This is a departure from reality. Because if the third appears in our reality, if the child looks at the screen and sees Pokemon next to his mother, then he begins to believe that this is a reality. That is, we instill the makings of schizophrenia with our own hands.
Shevtsova : And it can then develop?
Polyanova : Undoubtedly. In general, schizophrenia is an emotional disease that can be transmitted. And then there is a massive psychosis, you understand? If everyone already has a Pokemon in the classroom, but he does not have, then, of course, the child will fight in hysteria. And now we were talking about cases when his father, unable to withstand, came up and cut the wires of the computer from his son, and his son took a knife and killed his father. What can we talk about more serious?
We instill the makings of schizophrenia with our own hands
Shevtsova : Some then said: “There is no game addiction, it is a separate young man, and he had some kind of psychosis or something else.”.
Pokemon are incompatible with other interests
The inability of a person to multitasking makes any game dangerous. But, according to the participants in the conversation, Pokemon Go has brought this problem to Jimmy Winner sister sites a new level.
Polyanova : You see, it is very easy to check the situation for the norm. You want your husband to run with a tablet and catch Pokemon? Zakhar said this is collecting, but I categorically disagree. Numismatists and philatelists that you talked about are people of the widest horizons. Through their lesson, they studied history and culture.
Zakhar : And why did you get the idea that people who collect Pokemon cannot be educated, intelligent, have other interests?
Polyanova : They cannot. Can't. One absolutely excludes the other.
Zakhar : I don't understand the arguments according to which you claim this.
Pokemon carry demons
The metaphysical threat of Pokemon Go fell into the center of attention when the listener Mikhail called.
Michael : Technical capabilities that appear, developing, improving in our time, give rise to some demons. Now I'm listening to Zakhara. You know, this young man, in my opinion, is already infected himself. But not this game. This Zakhar, apparently, defends it only because he represents a kind of circle, let's say, interested persons, organizations … For him this is a piece of bread.
Polyanova : Here is a good, correct, word sounded – "Demonization". When I heard about Pokemon … Read "Masters and Margarita". Bulgakov wrote everything.
Zakhar : I can't even seriously object.
Polyanova : Did not read Bulgakov.
Read "Masters and Margarita". Bulgakov wrote everything
Pokemon lead to infertility
As it turned out, Pokemon Go, unlike Hatred, still has the right to exist. Similar games can benefit society by working on the principle of concentration camps.
Polyanova : I would probably have played for Pokemon, because they provide natural selection. I already talked about degradation. I will not believe Zakhara that people who catch Pokemon can engage in education, self -education, develop. These are two things excluding each other. If a person is prone to development, he absolutely does not need Pokemon. I say once again: degradation. Thus there is a selection. If we start playing Pokemon, then we will never make a career. We will not make a career, we will not have prosperity. If we do not have prosperity, then we and our children will eat GMOs. If we eat GMOs, this, first of all, will cause infertility. That is, just nothing happens. And when these or other weapons or tools come up with, we do not exclude that it could be a game.
I will not believe Zakhara that people who catch Pokemon can engage in education, self -education, develop. These are two things excluding each other
Zakhar : From Pokemon to infertility? Pretty briskly crossed.
Polyanova : Yes, very close, and I can tell you that before we had a neurosis from the age of seven, then they began to put it from three years old, and now from one year old. And when we see a child who still does not know how to walk, but sits buried in some kind of gadget-this, of course, means the destruction of his nation. No disputes, I work with this every day. Come with tics, with hyperactivity and other diseases. This has become a mass phenomenon.
If we start playing Pokemon, then we will never make a career
Pokemon – weapons of villains
Anatoly Wasserman's bell outlined another Pokemon GO problem.
Anatoly Wasserman : There was a tool that allows people to collect people at the right time, in the right place and in any right quantity. There are a lot of antisocial use of such tools. I called two of them on the move: this is an organization of an unauthorized rally and a terrorist act. But I think that criminals will be able to come up with many more ways to use a crowd collected by order.
Shevtsova : A wonderful statement, I subscribe to every word.
Polyanova : Especially in the framework of what now they say that only 35% of the population needs higher education, and the rest do not need. I already said in many air – it is amazing when they decide for us, we can even receive higher education for our money or not. That is, of us are made by a nation of service staff, which does not receive higher education, a nation that runs after Pokemon.
Zakhar : I completely agree with what Anatoly said. This can really be used as a thing that collects the crowd. But the appeal to recent events: there was, unfortunately, shooting in Munich. And, as far as I know, there the terrorist gathered people through social networks, through Facebook. In the same way, people can collect a popular video blogger. This is not needed for a video game. Now the mechanisms that allow it to do this. Many things can be used for the good, or you can – and to the detriment.
Polyanova : Returning to the tragedy in Munich. We cannot say that this is terrorism. Because the German authorities have chosen another way to present information. Apparently, to calm your nation. They argue that this is still a violation of the psyche in a young man. But when the police visited his apartment, interviewed his parents, it turned out that in recent years he was fond of games. And these were shooters. You know, I was convinced of myself once when I got into the operating room and saw an operation on the screen. A completely different impression than when you see your own eyes. This artificiality accustoms us to cruelty.
A nation is made of us, who does not receive a higher education, a nation that runs after Pokemon
Pokemon make you lonely
When the presenter began to read comments, the question of attention was found about the ability of video games to bring people closer.
Shevtsova : “… pay more attention to the opposite gender. A lot of natural games invented by nature ".
Polyanova : Computers learned young people – boys and girls – to interact correctly with each other. Because everything that happens through the screen is very accessible and does not happen, as psychologists say, to teach communication. Much later, marriages will take place now. Young people do not want to have children early early. All this is postponed. I understand that these are probably trends. But there is nature, and we will not go anywhere from it. Everything must be done on time. If at the age of 25-30 they do not engage in family, but play with dolls and run with Pokemon – well, of course, this is infantilism.
Zakhar : These are social networks, not computer games. In computer games, the communication mechanism is generally very limited, usually. And it is connected with what is happening on the screen.
Shevtsova : Moreover, then children do not learn to build relationships with peers in real life. It seems to me that this already has a danger, Zakhar, isn't it?
Zakhar : Probably there is a danger in this. Unfortunately, I cannot find confirmation of this in my environment. Perhaps there really is such a tendency. I do not exclude it.
If at the age of 25-30 they do not engage in family, but play with dolls and run with Pokemon – well, of course, this is infantilism
Shevtsova : May friends who play will not be offended by me. I have such familiar adults, I know them. These are not close friends, but, as far as I know, they have everything calmly with their personal life.
Polyanova : There is such a thing – “anchin’s arc”: when the action gives rise to opposition, and then the reverse reaction. So here. A person has problems, so he goes to social networks or computer games. From this the situation worsens. As I once said: "I went to the Internet – and returned to my grandmother".
* * *
We quoted only the key points of the ether, most clearly representing the positions of the parties and the main problems raised in the conversation. If you want to listen to the entire air, we attach it to the full record, which was sent by one of our readers.
What do you think?