For the past few years, a fierce struggle for the realism of management and the damage model has been going on among car systems. Even through the arcade series Need for Speed I have been trying for a long time as he can. Who has cars for less forgiveness or more beautifully are smashed to smithereens – he won. There is a feeling that games in which there are neither one nor the other are now doomed to failure. Meanwhile, the genre has not seen the simple, but still high -quality projects … before the exit Blur.
Fresh look
Blur represents a rather rare backstage: shooting races. There is neither complex physics, nor the need for a fine control, no differentiated damage scheme. You can even successfully go through the tactics of the "drunk master": along the chipper, without reducing speed. The route, rivals, a body strength scale and a whole arsenal of techniques and weapons to reduce it – these are the main components of the game.
Everything begins as usual: mass start, everyone tries to break forward. A few seconds later, behind the rear bumper of the car, three schematical guts-tanks grow. Meanwhile, the roaring herd of steel horses approaches the first line of the so -called charges – a number of several icons are materialized in the air in front of cars. It is worth running into one of them, the prize immediately takes the extreme cell. Nothing, enough for almost everyone: charges re -appear literally a second later. Now the mechanism of road insanity has been launched, and the drivers can only choose a convenient moment to start the exchange of courtesies.
Someone got lightning: three shots of pink substance fly straight one after another. A technique requiring special accuracy.
It’s much easier to handle the rocket: a formidable type of sphere, as if coming from fantastic militants, will visit the target herself and almost certainly reaches it. The victim will make a spectacular somersault, losing the strength of the body.
Fans of contact combat will like an impulse that pushing all opponents around in different directions. Higher aerobatics-shove someone from a cliff.
Of course, traditional mines were embodied here and here. There is nothing better than leaving a couple of traps at the output of the turn. Oddly enough, you can shoot forward a mine. If he does not find right away who would explode, – will settle in the first obstacle in his path.
In the pursuit of especially frisky comrades, an electric shock will come in handy. Part of the track in front of the leader of the race will be energized. It is worth calling into one of the "hot" areas, as the car will receive a shock and noticeably lose in running qualities.
Of course, there are several "positive" charges. This is a remote control for the restoration of damage, giving temporary invulnerability the shield and acceleration. The latter will help in passing complex turns: you can stop the car for a couple of seconds and change its direction, after which it will go forward from the place.
Racing for Caesar
The choice of charges must be approached carefully – in many ways, success in the race depends on this. They disappear immediately after use, and the restriction of three cells makes you constantly think what in the order to use, what to select, what is not, and what should be reset as soon as possible for the sake of a more useful find.
The situation on the highway is constantly changing, but charges also require constant attention. Sometimes you just don’t have time to figure out the arsenal, although, it would seem, the task is not so difficult.
At the same time, you need to constantly monitor what is happening behind. It is unlikely that there is a game in which you will have to use the rear -view mirror just as often. And for that is a couple of serious reasons. Firstly, lightning and missiles can be shot in the opposite direction, which means that the pursuers hanging on the tail can always be annoyed. Secondly, the shells launched in you can be shot down on the approach by all the same zippers and missiles or neutralize with an impulse, letting go closer. Such a war on two fronts adds sharpness to the game, and races without a mirror already seem incredible.
In addition, so that no one is bored for anyone, in a career mode there is a whole system of additional goals called "Master classes". Special icons are placed directly on the highway. It is worth picking up as a small task will begin for a while: for example, they will ask you to demonstrate a controlled skid or hit the enemy with lightning in flight. All conditions will be created for this. We need certain charges? They will immediately appear in the inventory, if there is a place. You can’t do without a special section of the track? So he is! Everything is honest. The master classes are tightly attached to the place and from time to time they remain the same. About why they are needed, we will talk a little later.
Another type of assignment is “Indicative races”. Behind the cunning name hides a ride for a while through the row of the gate. But it only sounds easy: they are only four or five meters wide, and are often not arranged in the most trivial way. Enemies add headache: they really love to deliver a blow to the side at the most crucial moment.
Black list
Career is quite simple, but there are a couple of unusual features. There is borrowing at Need for Speed – Here the trace of three parts of the series is visible at once. The purpose of the game is not knocked out of tradition: a standard scenario about the rise from the bottom to the title of the best racer in the world. The routes are divided into three types: a normal competition with charges, checking out the control points for the time where on the road you can choose acceleration and increase to precious seconds – and the survival race, where you need to destroy the maximum of almost helpless flimsy machines that are slowly traveling ahead.
On the way to success will have to put several venerable competitors in place. For each cool opponent is allocated by the stage, there are only nine of them. To open access to them, you need to save the beacons. They are given for completing the competition in a prize place, for success in demonstrations and as a reward for spectator sympathies – it can be obtained by earned a certain number of points of popularity. To please the fans, you need to conduct master classes as soon as possible and act in the competition actively. Each at least a slightly distinguished action – whether it is a repair, a good skid, a well -aimed shot or a high jump – attracts the attention of the audience. If you perform such techniques one after another and combine them, a multiple of the glasses will increase. But holding it is very difficult.
With an increase in popularity, access to new cars is opened. No money, purchases and tuning – we choose what you like and go ahead. In general, cars do not differ much, within the same type – certainly. But in the late stages of the game on the topic of transport, it is already worthwhile to think.
But back to our bosses. Naturally, they just do not ride with all kinds of hooligans alone, so first, be kind to go through at least two competitions and fulfill four unique conditions. Someone will ask you to blow up twenty opponents with mines, someone will want you to throw the enemy into the water, and some people do not look in your direction until you wipe one and a half kilometers of asphalt in controlled drifts. Partly the requirements depend on the character of the boss – an aggressive man on Hammer is interested in how many cars were scattered by the player, and the popular hippie is the support of the fans. If in the end to win a fight from the boss, then in addition to the defeated car will get an improvement used by the enemy. Unfortunately, there is almost no Prok from all these modernizations – the impact on the gameplay is too few. But even more offensive for the fact that contractions with bosses differ from ordinary levels only by the number of opponents. But how could one turn around with such a concept of the game!
Graphics in Blur is quite mediocre, but this is more than compensate for the number and variety of tracks. There is no serious physics, but the behavior of the car in the air is quite predictable, and the poorly traveled turn reduces the chances of winning only slightly.
But there is one unsuccessfully implemented aspect of the game that has nothing to cover. This is an interface. Menu, graphic elements. In a word, all that you have to see outside. However, during the races of all stupid things there is also enough. Why is the car that broken from the highway is not considered broken and returns to the road with the previous strength indicator? Was it really so difficult to fasten the distance counter to the finish for an open race in the mountains? Why the usual time of the circle, separation and lag of riders in seconds are not shown? What depends on the number of rivals? What did not please the developers with a normal, tidy such speedometer with an arrow?
And all these are still flowers. The berries will go at the moment when you, for example, go to the settings menu. Gamepad control circuits – three, keyboard – two. You can't just reassign the keys. It would be logical to assume that a cursor and WASD are offered to choose from. But no! WASD really is, but the second option is the complete Beliberd, where one hand is responsible for acceleration, inhibition and half of other functions, and for everything else, including turns, the other is. Do not want to retrain?
And so here everywhere. Stupid, uncomfortable, strange. As if someone deliberately spoiled everything and confused. You can’t see the track before the final load, although one of the tips with a mockery offers to choose a car depending on the competition. The fact that the game still has difficulty levels, you will probably find out by accidentally noticing the inscription “Ctrl-difficulty” on the screen of choosing a career stage. Create new local accounts and switching between existing ones so simply cannot be – you need to go to the system under another user or replace saving in a system folder. And in general there are no single races – only a career.
But in the multiplayer mode there is the possibility of playing on a separated screen! Oh, for a long time this was not on his native PC. But to start the game, you will have to go through a whole quest. The control keys for the separated screen differ from those that are in solitary mode, but there are simply nowhere to see them. The settings menu are empty. Nevertheless, the game with friends live will give you much more positive emotions than a career. Believe me, Blur in a good company is very funny, fun and noisy.
• • •
At the moment when these lines are written, Blur has not yet reached the shelves of stores, so there are network modes behind the scenes. As soon as lovers of “living” competitions pour into the game, we will immediately start a detailed study. Most likely, the video review will be accommodated already on this disk.
Verdict: Funny simple races that require a good reaction and quick solutions. Excellent for playing in the company. The main thing is not to be afraid of the interface and not allow it to get you out.
Charges are the basis of the gaming process Blur, which distinguishes the project from everyone else. Therefore, we will begin with them. Four keys are responsible for the control of charges. One – for reset from the inventory, the second simply activates the charge (this button is not really needed at all), and two more – in a certain direction, forward or backward. If the charge has no direction, then it is activated by pressing any of these two keys.
• Lightning. The only "reusable" charge. Three shots, each takes away half the strength cell. With the same success hits forward and backward. Although it has a flimsy look, you should not underestimate it. Due to the speed of shells of the enemy, it is easy to find by surprise, moreover, long distances do not actually cause much difficulties. The victims noticeably turn to the side, trying to recover. This is a great stopping effect that you can greatly undermine the plans of the enemy. For example, prevent a suitable charge. Of course, if you need to quickly inflict damage, it is better to shoot a queue. But if you need to play to the maximum, try to restrain the temptation, aim thoroughly and beat single with an interval of about one and a half seconds. Then the enemy will slow down greatly, probably into something will crash and let himself catch up with.
It’s also great to let the zipper in the drifts on the bends of medium length – you have to spoil the mood of those who enter them well in them.
• Rocket. Shell with a self -configuration system. Very spectacular weapon, but in fact it is not stronger than others – just a unit of damage. The goal is assigned the closest in the direction of movement of the car of the Supostat. Keep in mind that the rocket is first rebuilt into the desired row and only then at all pairs rushes to the target. The affected car soars upward three meters and turns over, continuing to move in the same direction. If in flight she does not meet any obstacles, then everything will end quite harmlessly. For this to happen as little as possible, let the missiles in front of the entrance to the turns and especially – at the entrance to the tunnels and rooms with a low ceiling. There is a chance that then the victim will have to stay a couple of extra seconds outside.
Do not flatter yourself that the rocket itself is looking for a goal: it will explode by meeting any obstacle, and you can dodge it. In addition, she is very slow. If the shell was allowed into you, then do not try to wag on straight lines – you will lose too much time and you are unlikely to achieve your. Better take the blow and go further. Although there are options and better: shoot in the sphere with lightning or another rocket, put a mine in its way.
You can shoot back. In this case, guidance is not done.
• Mine. Not only looks like a rocket, but also has similar effects. It just twists cars along the vertical axis, and not horizontal. This disorients much more and sets the victim for other cars. Naturally, on narrow passages and turns, the mine is especially appropriate. Explodes without delay, so even works even against those who are already sitting on the rear bumper.
The mine can not only be left on the ground behind the car, but also launched forward at a big speed. If it does not explode right away, it will stop at the edge of the road and will wait for the guests.
A shot on a mine with a zipper or a rocket will destroy it.
• Electrox. Three round traps appear in front of the leader of the race. It is worth getting into one of them, how it disappears, but the speed will drop sharply, and the case will receive damage to half a single.
The effect does not depend on the player. Run this charge if the opponents have come off too much. Of course, it works best on a narrow road and sharp turns. But do not forget that traps appear only in open areas. For a particularly vigorous effect, collect three electric shocks and release them at once.
Slow down from the shock is so strong that for the detour of an obstacle, it is worth significantly dropping the speed. By making maneuvers, you can call into a dangerous zone, but just a little bit. But you can do it easier and let someone forward-perform the functions of a sapper. The polite will be rewarded.
• Pulse. It requires close contact with opponents to quickly violate it, – repels the nearest enemies several meters to the sides, slows them down and inflicts a unit of damage to everyone. The only weapon acting on a few dashings at once.
A very valuable charge for monitoring a position that allows you to feel more confident in the first place … or in the second, if you are about to start overtaking. The main thing is that the enemy does not have the same.
Impulse is also an excellent protective tool. Bursts rockets and mines a meter or two before the meeting, but guessing the right moment is not easy.
• Acceleration. The name speaks for itself. It is best to use at the exit of turns and long straight. Forget about the ram – in Blur it is not justified absolutely.
And if you use the charge of acceleration back, then acceleration turns … acceleration turns … into elegant pneumotics and! This very strange thing at first glance the giddle will help great short turns. Start twisting the steering wheel without slowing down, go straight, turn on the charge and twist the car in the right direction. To navigate, look at the map. Just do not overdo it, otherwise quickly fly into the fence.
• Remkomplekt. Restores four strength cells. The strongest cars consist of seven “cubes”, so one “wrench” is enough to restore a significant supply of health to anyone. To have such a reserve will never hurt.
• Shield. Five seconds will save the car from any misfortunes. Open the shell before the deadline can only the discharge of the electric shock.
Game modes
As part of your career, you will meet competitions of three types. On each of them you can get an additional award by a couple of ways. Firstly, you need to perform a indicative arrival. Look for a yellow icon with an arrow – it denotes the beginning of the route for passage. If the first time it will not work through the whole gate – it's okay, you will still have a chance on subsequent circles. First, try to break away from opponents and study all the tricky turns. The time for the task is usually given full, so you can slow down without hesitation and smoothly pass the turns.
The second award is a prize of spectator sympathy. To get it, it is enough to hold together with the bulk of the racers and participate in the main brawls, stealing from all guns. If the points of sympathy are still not enough, lean on the master classes indicated by orange icons with men. They are best done as early as possible, until the race participants stretched out by several hundred meters.
All competitions are held on ring tracks, with one exception. The descent from Mount Harun is the only unmarked track in the game. Let's see what we have to participate in.
- Race. Racing with discharges. The main and perhaps the most exciting type of competition.
- Zapornie in posts. You need to drive through all control points as quickly as possible. The return counting is launched at the start, but with each overcoming post the time increases. A couple of seconds add special prizes scattered along the highway. Acceleration is available from charges.
- Survival race. But this is something unusual. And not at all what you thought. The player’s task is to collect lightning and engage in car genocide, regardless of the shape of the body and the color of the coating, stuffing extra time. Four types of cars are represented. You need to spend from one to three shots on each. Exploding, they use the charge against the player. Although blue cars with an impulse on board, on the contrary, play our hands. For convenience, all the details are included in the table.
Table 1
Survival race
Color strength charge time
Green 1 Lightning +3
Yellow 2 mines +6
Red 3 missiles +10
Blue 1 pulse +3
- Duel. Formally, this is the fourth type of competition, but there is no fundamental difference with ordinary races. One or two enemy, a new car and modernization at stake. That's all the differences.
Within each stage of the career, four tests need to be performed to get to the duel with the boss. They work on the same principle as the usual achievements in Blur or any other game. Following the successes from memory and waiting for capricious pop -up tips is not very convenient, so it is better to keep tasks in front of you on paper. At the same time, I will give explanations where they are required.
Note: progress in testing is preserved right there, you do not need to complete the competition.
- Perform at least 80 successful attacks using charges.
- Conquer more than 7000 fans.
- I> Complete 4 competitions on various cars.
- Take part in 5 competitions.
Urban fuckers
- Reflect with a shield of at least 3 charges.
- Detlate off 3 electromagnetic traps. It is required to drive as close as possible to the field of operation of the electric shock .
- Collect at least 40 bonus bonas.
- In the 5th competition, take each post on the highway with a 14-second margin.
Favorite the public
- Spend at least 5 master classes.
- Complete at least 2 indicative races.
- Get a prize of spectator sympathies at least 4 times.
- Win the 5th competition by completing at least 1 fan-combination x5. Fan-combination displays heart on the right side of the screen. Just spend a few attacks in a row, and the factor will rise to the desired value.
Cruel game
- Place 1 car into the water using a pulse. There is a very convenient place in the port of Los Angeles, at the end of the highway.
- Break to smitter 100 cars.
- Strive with a pulse of 5 cars.
- Get at least 6 beacons in the course of 6 competitions.
Heavy fire
- Say 5 car rockets released in the opposite direction.
- At the same time, hit with an impulse several cars at least 5 times.
- Aim with an electric shock 10 cars.
- Complete a demonstration arrival in the framework of the 6th competition.
King Midas
- Perform a controlled skid 1500 meters. Calmly, it is not necessary to do it with one turn. Just use a handbrake on corners more often. Just fill the desired value, passing the rest of the tests.
- Destroy more than 4 charges.
- Perform 4 pure triple accelerations. Take the car quickly and go to arrival in posts in Barcelona. Having gained three charges, use them in a row on a long slide, trying to go straight and not touching anything.
- Get at least 25 beacons.
Double blow
- Set up mines forward and amaze 5 cars.
- Take 5 cars by applying acceleration. Use the modification of "fan-blooding" to facilitate your task.
- In the survival race, perform 10 bonus hits. To do this, destroy several cars in a row in a short time. It is better to blow blue in the first place – they damage everything around and can well do all the work for you.
- Smell to smithereens 1 car and finish the first in the 6th competition.
Fight without rules
- Protect from 3 min. Just collect mines with a shield on.
- Release a full charge of lightning in 8 cars. All three shots should reach the goal.
- Win any race without smashing to smithereens and without using the remote control. Will have to abandon attacks in favor of shields and accelerations.
- Win the 6th competition for Harumi cars.
The mysterious enemy
- Save a speed of 120 miles/h throughout the circle. Performed in the second race, in San Francisco. Take off the opponents and collect accelerations. Before the only series of turns, drop the speed to at least 140 and carefully enter it. If something goes wrong-use charges. The task simplifies that the circle is considered not from the start, but from the moment when you scored 120 miles/h.
- Successfully release at least 15 lightning in the opposite direction.
- Minker 20 cars. That is, just blow up with mines. The direction does not matter.
- Win all 6 competitions.